At the moment, as part of my animal communication challenge, I’m asking the animals about the topics they would like to talk to the participants about. And it’s so, so interesting what questions they ask!
They want to talk to us about friendship, love, siblings, tasks in the family, dealing with change, perfect days, bias, not losing yourself, beauty, hunting, coming into your strength and much more.
They would like to take their conversation partners into their own world and their views on it. So that we understand and experience for ourselves how they experience life.
But it is also very important to them to exchange ideas about how we as humans feel about all the topics! What experiences we have and how we see things. One dog even complained to me: “Hey, I don’t just want to be quizzed, I want to know something about you too!”
They want a two-way conversation because they want to understand our world. And they also have so much wisdom to give.
I am very touched when I read to what depth the animals exchange ideas with the animal communicators and what beautiful impulses they both take away from the exchange!
Our animals really want to get an insight into our world, our thoughts and feelings. You too can share much more with your animal than you think. You can tell him out loud about your day or what you were particularly happy about. Of course also why you are stressed or how good it is for you to be close to your animal. And of course you can also try to see the world through your animal’s eyes. To observe unbiasedly how it interacts and reacts.
Please let me know if this changes anything in your relationship!
Love and light for you and your animals