Do animals have a soul purpose?
A very clear YES! After opening up to this topic, many animals led me to talk to them about their soul mission, about what they see as their purpose in life. I realised how important this topic is to them: how proud they are of the “work” they do and how much joy it gives them to talk about it with their human.
But also how meaningful it is for their person. They were deeply touched by the realisation of the value and support the animal brings into their lives. Their relationship with each other became much closer and happier after they realised they were together for a reason.
So what missions did they share with me?
There was this dog who was destined to be an assistance dog. Even as a puppy she wanted to join and passed all the preliminary tests with flying colours. But now she felt so much pressure, was afraid to fail. When she could also feel the realisation of this task as her soul purpose, a lot of tension suddenly fell off her. She knew it was her destiny, that she would be supported and that she could not fail.
Or this dog who wants to remind her person, their clients and everyone she meets to be happy, enjoy life and live it to the fullest. She is an example that the past doesn’t matter and the here and now is all that matters. Make the most of life right now, because you don’t know what the future will bring!
A cat who knows he will bring balance. Masculine balance, the right yang to the yin. If there is a need for rest, he would provide it, and if there is a need for action, he would provide that too. But he sees himself more as an important part of the whole family, not specifically for his human.
The dog who was always there for her person, who gave her strength and support, showed her the way, even in very dark times. Who could assure her that there was no reason for regret, because she was meant to be with her. And she now has the certainty that she can leave this world, because she has fulfilled her task and her human being is now strong enough on her own.
Below you can see a picture of my dog in spirit Niela. Her mission was to spread love. She taught us that love enlightens and opens our hearts wide, that it is infinite and that it connects us even after death.
What lesson from your animal will you always remember? I would love to hear from you how it has brightened your life!
Love & light to you and your pets