This time I would like to share an experience from our vacation with you that touched and healed us all deeply.
The garden of our holiday home is bordered by a meadow where, if we’re lucky, sheep will graze. Last year they were there for a week and Maja was very interested and there was sniffing at each other on the fence. This year there were only ewes with their lambs and Maja was suddenly reluctant to go into the garden. She even seemed almost anxious. Of course I connected with her right away and she passed on this feeling of fear and insecurity in front of the sheep. So I explained to her that the sheep are separated from her by a fence and cannot reach her. And that ewes are more likely to run away from dogs with their lambs than to protect them by going forward. It got a little better that way, but I could tell she was still uncomfortable outside.
So I “sat down” with her with a lot of time and calmness and together we explored what the problem is. I asked her to show me what she feels outside, what she receives from the sheep. And suddenly I had the thought in my head that it has to do with the separation of the lambs from their mothers, just like she was separated from her mother too soon. To make sure I didn’t construct it in my head, I asked her for more sensory input. And I felt sadness and a heavy pressure on my heart. There was a lot of sadness, from her mother, who knew that her puppies would be snatched from her early, from herself because she had to leave her family at a very young age. And also because her mother didn’t give her as much love because she couldn’t, because otherwise it would hurt even more to lose her pups.
I then felt this pain with her, we allowed the sadness and I sent her healing and comforting energies.
Throughout the day she was in a melancholic mood again and I reassured her that it’s okay to be sad and that looking back at the past, allowing yourself to feel and then letting go of it also heals.
So now I understand that it wasn’t fear of the sheep themselves, but fear of the feelings she picked up from the sheep that so resembled her own.
I then also connected with the sheep. I first recognized them as a collective and expressed my admiration and attachment to them. After exchanging energies for a while, a sheep also approached me. I showed her how happy I was that they were grazing right in front of us and we could see and watch them and their lambs. And then I gently asked her how she feels knowing that her lambs are being taken away from her. It also makes her sad. Mainly because it is done without respect, because we no longer live the coexistence of humans and animals and do not respect it. Despite the pain, I could also feel a lot of love, gentleness, and companionship. I then asked for healing for her as well and was connected to her for a while.
I then tried tentatively to talk to Ida about this topic. Because she was one of those dog moms who had to say goodbye to their puppies far too soon. She didn’t share many emotions or memories from that time. But she let me know that she made a conscious decision not to want to do that anymore and that’s why she didn’t conceive anymore. And for this reason she was sorted out and allowed to come to us. I told her about Maja’s feelings and what I shared with the sheep. That touched her very much and we were then able to resolve some of her pain.
I am grateful and deeply touched by this communication and the insights that the ewes and their lambs have brought to all of us!
Healing for Maja who had the experience of having to leave her mother at 6 weeks and for Ida who had to give birth to puppies that were then taken away from her.
After our conversation Maja enjoyed being in the garden as much as last year, enjoying sniffing and lying in the grass. The relationship with Ida has also become more close because both can see the pain of the other and understand it from their perspective.
Love & light for you and your pets
P.S.: Of course I asked Maja and Ida for permission to share this personal topic with you.