Don’t talk too much to your animal.
That’s what we hear from trainers from time to time. And yes, in some situations it does make sense to limit ourselves to short words or sentences to tell our animal what we want it to do. Of course, it’s best if we have the behavior in mind that we want it to show.
But there are also many situations where your animal does not understand what is happening and may be confused. And most of the animals I have talked to wish that we would explain more to them, that we would talk to them more.
You can do that too! Without having taken a course in animal communication. We just tend to block ourselves because we think it is difficult.
But it is enough if you have the intention to send something to your animal. Feel free to tell him out loud and then think about what you want to tell him at the same time. So let a little movie run in your mind of what’s going to happen or what you wish for.
Our animals pick up a lot from us as it is. But when we consciously and intentionally send something, it’s easy for them.
Of course, with some guidance and practice, we can be more precise in our exchanges and also receive from our animals, but it already helps them when we consciously send and explain something to them.
Why don’t you try it the next time you have to leave your pet alone. Or when a visit to the vet is coming up. Or explain to him why you have to dry his paws at the moment. Or that you want to finish something first, and you’ll go out afterwards. Or whatever else you can think of where your pet would like to know why and when something is happening.
I would be happy if you tell me how it went.
Love and Light for you and your animals