Tomorrow marks the anniversary of my beloved Niela’s passing from this world five years ago. It’s hard to believe that she’s been gone so long, yet the memories and emotions remain vivid and alive. I remember so well the first, painfully empty time without her, and the overwhelming wish that she might somehow return to me. But soon, I felt that we would not have any more time together in this life.

In my practice, I often encounter clients who ask the same question: Could my beloved animal return to me someday? The answer is rarely straightforward, and things often unfold differently than we might expect. I’ve occasionally seen a beloved pet return, but the connection often feels changed. While your animal’s soul may feel familiar and retain certain unique traits, it also brings new experiences and its own distinct character. These changes remind us that, with each incarnation, a soul seeks its own journey and growth.

I want to encourage you not to hope too intently for a return, but rather to trust and feel that your animal’s soul, even in spirit form, is always by your side. And if it does not plan to return, it will help you find a new soul companion for this lifetime. This may feel painful at first, almost like a betrayal, even if you’ve waited intentionally. But soon, you’ll find yourself able to open your heart to this new animal, and together, you’ll create precious memories. Your animal in spirit will rejoice to see you welcome love and joy into your life once again.

In honor of Niela, who guided me onto the path of animal communication, I’m offering a 20% discount on live sessions with your animal until the end of the year. Just use the code NIELA when booking through my calendar. Sessions can also be scheduled for January if needed.

With heartfelt remembrance of all our beloved animals,